Label: "labour market"

March 05, 2020 11:54

4 out of 10 Hungarians lack essential job skills

Job-seeking now easier but slower, study finds

gyár munkás gyári munkás factory worker
February 27, 2020 09:25

Employment growth slows in Hungary

November-January unemployment 3.4%

iroda - fiatalok
January 29, 2020 13:52

Young Hungarians are deeper and deeper in trouble - Away they will go?

More and more of them are unemployed

November 28, 2019 15:50

Hungary's employment miracle may have come to an end

Unemployment 3.5% in Aug-Oct

munkás worker
October 29, 2019 09:33

Employment possibly peaked in Hungary

Years-long improvement comes to a halt

July 11, 2019 09:31

U.S. corporate coalition to help Hungary eliminate labour shortage

All larger financial institutions take part.

June 14, 2019 11:00

'Zombie companies' hold 150,000 employees captive in Hungary

Channelling workers to more efficient companies could help the labour market.

June 13, 2019 17:20

EU aims to improve work-life balance for parents are carers

Council adopts new rules.

April 29, 2019 09:00

Almost everyone is employed in Hungary

Unemployment at new lows.

April 25, 2019 14:25

Hungary divided - Success story can hardly continue

Lots of people concentrated where there is no work available.

March 28, 2019 11:24

Employment rises to new record in Hungary

Number of those in public works drops to all-time low.

January 30, 2019 11:16

Employment may be close to its peak in Hungary

Jobless rate drops to 3.6% in Q4.